Share House Fukuroi is located in Kuroishi city, which is almost in the center of Aomori prefecture. It is a 30-minute drive from Aomori airport, a 40-minute drive from Aomori Shinkansen station, and is close to Kuroishi Interchange, so you can reach various sightseeing spots in Aomori prefecture in 2-3 hours. You can enjoy a relaxing stay in Kuroishi, which is full of nature. You can also stay here by yourself.
- 社名
- シェアハウス袋井
- 代表者
- 柳谷喜代美
- 所在地
- 青森県黒石市袋井3丁目53-12
- 連絡先
- 0172-40-0117
- 部屋数
- 2階 3部屋 個室 6畳 ワンルームタイプ
1階 1部屋 大広間